Have an update? Please contact the the Secretary/Treasurer (pacsecretarytreasurer@gmail.com) with any name or affiliation/company changes.
Last Name | First Name | Affiliation/Company |
Ahlrichs | Robert | Commonwealth Heritage Group |
Baker | Joe | Retired, PennDOT |
Basalik | Kenneth | CHRS Inc. |
Becker | Marshall | Professor Emeritus, West Chester University Department of Anthropology and Sociology |
Beckerman | Ira | Retired, PennDOT |
Burns | Jonathan | Juniata College |
Cammisa | Alfred | Tracker Archaeology Inc. |
Carn | Timothy | Navarro & Wright Consulting Engineers Inc. |
Carr | Kurt | Retired, State Museum of Pennsylvania |
Chadwick | Bill | Anthropology Department, Indiana University of Pennsylvania |
Coppock | Gary | Skelly and Loy, A Terracon Company |
Covell | Amy | Carnegie
Museum Section of Anthropology |
Dugas | Lisa | Big Pine Consultants, LLC |
Durante | Mark | |
Ford | Ben | Indiana University of Pennsylania, Department of Anthropology |
Fritz | Brian | Quemahoning LLC. |
Gajewski | Scott | NTM Engineering, Inc. and TRC Companies |
Haney | Susanne | PennDOT |
Hanson | Casey | PA SHPO |
Harvey | Hannah | PennDOT |
Heberling | Scott | Heberling Associates, Inc. |
Hedgepeth Balkin | Jessica | SWCA Environmental Consultants |
Heinrich | Kira | Christine Davis Consultants, Inc. |
Homsey-Messer | Lara | Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Department of Anthropology |
Hovanec | Corey | NTM Engineering, Inc. |
Israel | Stephen | |
Jaillet-Wentling | Angela | DCNR |
Kouba | Jamie | |
Kula | Christine | Retired, PennDOT |
Lantz | Stanley | |
Lattanzi | Gregory | New Jersey State Museum |
Laughlin | Corry | NTM Engineering, Inc. |
Lenert | Michael | A.D. Marble |
Libbon | Jonathan | SWCA |
Liebeknecht | Bill | Dovetail Cultural Resources Group |
Linebaugh | Donald | University of Maryland, School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation |
Luhman | Hope | WSP USA |
McConaughy | Mark | Retired, PA SHPO |
McDougal | Steven | PennDOT |
McKeel | Justin | PA SHPO |
McLearen | Douglas | Retired, PA SHPO |
Means | Bernard | Virtual Curation Laboratory, Virginia Commonwealth University |
Miller | Patricia | Retired, URS |
Miller | Paula | Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. |
Mitchell | Seth | Stantec Consulting Services |
Myers | Andrew | Allegheny Archaeology Research |
Neusius | Phillip | Professor Emeritus, Anthropology Department, Indiana University of Pennsylvania |
Neusius | Sarah | Professor Emeritus, Anthropology Department, Indiana University of Pennsylvania |
Peresolak | Katherine | DCNR/Student Conservation Association |
Prezzano | Susan | Clarion University of Pennsylvania |
Raber | Paul | Heberling Associates, Inc. |
Ranere | Anthony | Department of Anthroplogy, Temple University |
Ratini | Meagan | AECOM |
Resnick | Benjamin | GAI Consultants, Inc. |
Riethmuller | Douglas | The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc. |
Scarr | Kristin | PennDOT |
Schumer-Rowles | Jessica | The Markosky Engineering Group, Inc. |
Smeltzer | Marion | |
Snyder-Zuckerman | Amanda | McCormick Taylor, Inc. |
Spohn | Catherine | Retired, PennDOT |
Stahlman | Patricia | Allegheny National Forest, Marienville Ranger District |
Stanilla | Michael | ASC Group |
Sterner | Katherine | Towson University |
Thorwart | Katherine | Navarro & Wright Consulting Engineers, Inc. |
Toth | Jay | Retired, Seneca Nation of Indians |
Valko | Amanda | |
Walker | Jesse | AECOM |
Williams | Charles | Williams Ecological, LLC |