Category Archives: Announcements
Call for Fall 2021 PAC Newsletter Submissions
PAC is now accepting submissions for the Fall 2021 issue of the PAC Newsletter. Please consider submitting an article about your recent archaeological research in Pennsylvania. Continue reading
Call for Archaeology Month Speakers
Executive Board Member Amy Covell-Murthy and Secretary/Treasurer Hannah Harvey are organizing a virtual Archaeology Month speaker series that will take place in/around October of 2021. It will be held remotely via Zoom. They hope to highlight the research and educational … Continue reading
New Guidance Documents Available for PA-SHARE
The PA SHPO has new published guidance for submitting archaeological sites, surveys, and reports on PA-Share. To view the guidance on Adding an Archaeological Resource to PA-SHARE, please follow this link or copy and paste the URL into your web … Continue reading
PAC goes Virtual!
This year the PAC fall meeting and the 3rd annual PAC Fall Program will be held via Zoom. Both events will be held on Friday, October 30. Stay tuned for more details and Zoom registration links. Continue reading
COVID-19 Dues Amnesty
The purpose of the Pennsylvania Archaeological Council cannot be met without its members. We feel that in the current Coronavirus pandemic no members of PAC should have to choose between paying rent or buying groceries and retaining membership in PAC. Continue reading