4th Annual PAC Fall Program: Forest Service Archaeology at the Allegheny National Forest

Friday October 29 @ 1:00 pm on Zoom

For the 4th annual PAC Fall Program, archaeologists from the Allegheny National Forest (ANF) will present programs about Forest Service archaeology, their projects, and the challenges they face.  Zaakiyah Cua will present on behalf of the Bradford Ranger District and Rebecca Knapp will discuss projects in the Marienville District.  The Allegheny National Forest Bradford Ranger District (ANF BRD) heritage department conducts Section 106 review for a multitude of projects each season. Several ongoing Section 110 projects carry over from year to year with work occurring primarily in the off season. High staff turnover has resulted in a lapse in work for certain site management projects. This talk will present heritage work the ANF BRD has conducted over the last year and highlight some of the interesting projects, sites, and challenges the heritage team has encountered. 

The program is free and open to the public.  Zoom registration is required to get a link:


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